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GHI Corals

Chaeto Algae

Chaeto Algae

Regular price $15.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $15.00 USD
Sale Sold out
Soft Ball Size Bundle






Low/Low Medium 


Chaeto or Chaetomorpha algae is an essential filtration tool in refugiums. This algae when in action will help absorb nutrients and out compete nuisance algae in the main display aquarium. 

Along with helping absorb nutrients and keeping algae at bay in your beloved reef aquarium, chaeto algae will help balance PH swings both during the day and at night. For best results GHI Corals recommends lighting this algae in the refugium chamber of your filtration when your main display aquariums lights are off. 

This fully aquacultrued algae by GHI Corals is also loaded with many types of beneficial copepods and ampipods which will help add biodivercity to you aquariums eco system. 

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